I finally got a new missile switch since the old one grilled itself and the cooler doesn't leak anymore, so the final assembly has eventually been done.
Some pics for you:
This is the lower right corner of the machine with the cooler in its final place. The lower big hose is the arrival from the pump, the upper big hose the outlet. The lower small hose is the water outlet and the free port is the water entry.
And the rear cover and done! Still almost looks like a normal washing machine, doesn't it?
Since march it didn't look like this, and honestly, in the beginning I often doubted if it would ever look like this again and if it was going to work, I'm pretty proud of myself.
There are still some things to do though, like a system to control the fermentation temperature.
And since I still suffer from this USB-crashes I may go wireless some day, there are Arduinos with bluetooth out there. How cool would that be? Control the machine via bluetooth?! :D
And I'd love to give the machine another paint design, but I don't know yet what I want to do there. Any ideas?
The next goal is to get a stable good beer quality. I'll then start serial production.
So, the end of this blog is still far away, come back and see what happens next.
Have a nice day!