Hello friends!
It's time for a new post. I did a lot of machine parts cleaning work this last time, there was not much to write about. But I'll give you some more pictures today and less text, as a little remedial... ;)
First of all: I finally have a logo for my project!
The projects name is ArduinoBeer, right? So whats closer than taking the Arduino logo and some beer and put it together for my icon? :) Hope you like it!
I'm no graphics specialist, that's why the quality is not that good, if somebody out there is willing to make a better looking one, go for it, you'll be offered some ArduinoBeer for it!
How I already mentioned above, I did a lot of cleaning those days. I'll not post a picture of every dirty part but I'll give you an example:
Thats the draining filter. I've no idea how much dirty water had to pass it to turn a 20 cent coin golden... :)
Oh, and remember this thing?
I didn't know what it was at first. I found it out. It's a pressure box. It's used to know the water level inside the basin. When the level goes up, the air pressure increases in the little hose at it's bottom right and that pushes some membranes inside which activate switches. You'll never believe how long I had to find out which contacts mean which level... But now I'm able to read out four different levels. I've no idea yet what quantities of water they represent, but I'll test that the next days.
Once I've been done with cleaning, I started reassembling the machine. I mounted the motor yesterday evening and successfully tested it under charge, works like a charm with those TRIACs. I also mounted my control to the old control panel of the machine. The goal is, that the machine still looks good at the end. So have a look at that:
See all those holes? Ask what they're good for? Well, here you go:
I screwed the original control panel on top of my control box. The original program and temperature selectors now turn my potentiometers where one regulates the normal brewing spinning speed and the second the spin-dry speed for the end of the mashing. And what I really love is that the USB and the 5VDC connectors are hidden under the detergent and softener cover... :D
Oh, and there's one more thing...
It was a hard fight and it took me a lot of courage and strength, but I went back into objective-c and cocoa and I am proud to present:
Tons of kudos over to Erin Kennedy from robotgrrl.com for Matatino, an implementation of AMSerial, a collection of classes to access serial ports from cocoa, written by Andreas Mayer. Some more tons of kudos to him and his friends too! Thank you guys!
To switch on and off the relays was pretty easy, but as soon as it went over to reading out their state, the water temperature and the water level it went pretty tricky... But I now am able to entirely control my machine from ArduinoBeer. It just doesn't show any values for the temperature and the level on the picture because I didn't hook it up for the photo... :)
I'll probably post a video next where I show you guys how everything works.
Have a nice weekend, cya soon!
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