Monday, February 27, 2012

Hi out there, wide and thirsty world!

What is this going to be? Well, hopefully what it says in the description above... :)
I'm about to start brewing beer at home, with my Mac, an Arduino and an old washing machine.
And I want to share my experience with you beer drinkers out there.

First some words on me.
I'm a swiss aircraft mechanic and used to be an engaged hobby musician. And since I stopped making music I needed a new hobby. And as a big beer drinker that one was pretty close... :)

Oh, I already mentioned it, I'm swiss, my mothers language is German, so sorry for my English but I try to keep it international. And it is a good exercise...
If you want to ask me questions, don't hesitate to do it in English, German or even French.

So, long time ago I've read an article about some guy who made beer in a old washing machine.
I'm not sure but maybe it was this guy, a German preacher:

I also found some clips on youtube, look for yourself.
I always thought that this was an good idea but never went further.

But now everything changed.
My father has to quit his apartment for another, where washing machine and dryer are installed. So he wanted to sell his old washing machine and asked me if I wanted it. After I first denied, there's already one in my house, I remembered the story about beer brewing in those machines. It's a toploader. A frontloader wouldn't work.

So I started investigation on beer brewing.
First on Wikipedia, of course, and I found some forums.
I learned that there are three ways of home brewing:

1. The douche bag way:

You basically take some water, pour some beer-mix powder in it and some weeks later you've kinda beer.
But just because it fermented in your house you didn't really brew beer. And you've no real influence on the taste of your beer.
Well, for your interest:

2. The better way:
You jump the most complicated step, the mashing, by buying some malt extract but you do at least the rest.
Not bad already, you can slightly influence your beer. You can find tons of different equipped kit for doing that in the interwebz.

3. The real way:
You mash, you lauter, you boil, natural ingredients only, malt, hops - the old fashioned way.

It was no question for me, which way I was going to choose.

So I first looked for some information on how to make a beer machine out of a washing machine and didn't find a lot.
Almost desperated, I searched what kind of real beer brewing machines existed and found two cool things:
1. the BrauEule
2. the Braumeister

So far, so good. But way to expensive for an experiment.
I then came back to my old idea with the washing machine.

I decided to build my own beer brewing machine. And I will document everything in here, so if anyone wants to do like me, just check this blog on a regular base.

Cya soon when I describe the Projects goals!

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